Branded content: The Bridge between Brands and People
“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou.

Behind the feelings are the people who have always been at the heart of Mediacrest’s activity and soul, right from the company’s inception. Audiovisual production is emotion, putting feelings to images, setting values in motion, reaching people on the other side of the screen and, in each case, making a unique and unrepeatable impact. This is Mediacrest’s mission in fiction, entertainment, documentaries and now in Branded Content, a branch of audiovisual production gaining increasing relevance, which enables big brands to communicate their values, their essence, in a way which is different to standard advertising formats.
We are still one of a handful of companies capable of understanding the reach, relevance and renown a brand can attain and how to position it at the front of consumers’ minds; especially in a world in which there are no borders. The Internet and social media connect us with audiences all over the planet. When content is relevant, it crosses borders at the speed of light.
When you understand that your community no longer belongs to you, that social networks always prioritise interaction, you’ll realise that the last word lies with the audience. If you create content that generates no interest, there will be no interaction; without interaction, there will be no “reach”; without “reach” there will be no impact. If you want to succeed, then get to know your audience. You need to understand that “the competition”, today, means everyone, since everyone is looking to occupy space on a feed. Your competition is not only other brands, but also your audiences’ circles of friends, family and acquaintances.
We need to be aware that we live in a digital world in which feeds are defined by algorithms, which, in turn, are constantly changing and evolving. And it is these algorithms that have the ultimate power to decide. We have to work towards improving these formulas, we have to understand them so that our content is prioritised and our values and our brand, with all that that implies, reach the maximum number of people possible. And, in the new digital context, where advertising no longer enjoys the comfortable position and efficiency it had in traditional media, that can only be done through branded content.
To quote Jay Baer, “we have entered an era where every business needs to consider themselves a TV station and a magazine”.
So we are back where we started: it’s all about emotions, it’s all about people.
Juan Carlos de la Hoz,
Branded Content Business Development
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