Mediacrest produces 'Mapi' for TVE, an adaptation of Japan’s hugely successful 'Chiko’s Challenge'
The show that airs on Japan’s public broadcaster pits celebrities against the "wisdom" of a five-year-old girl.

RTVE is once again pushing for talent and family content, bringing to Europe for the first time the massive success story of Japan’s public broadcaster NHK, 'Chiko’s Challenge', which in Spain will go by the name of 'Mapi'. Produced by Mediacrest, this is a show for all audiences with a host of well-known faces joining in the fun.
'Mapi' is a TV show that revolves around a CGI-animated five-year-old girl. In each show, this curious little girl comes up with questions on all kinds of subjects, such as: "Why is the sky blue?", "Why do we slip on ice?", "Why are there only 28 days in February?".
If guests can’t answer Mapi’s simple questions, she gets angry and is likely to fly into a tantrum, repeatedly crying out the show’s motto: "Don’t rest on your laurels", a healthy reminder of how important it is to keep studying and learning every day. After each question, Mapi reveals the surprising answer, followed by an entertaining pre-recorded explanation and/or various amusing demonstrations by an expert in the field.
Guests and viewers alike hold their heads as they realize they’ve never actually stopped to ask themselves the unexpected questions Mapi comes out with, making this more than a simple question and answer quiz show.
Francisco Pou, the CEO at Mediacrest, says that 'Mapi' is "a diamond that we are delighted to be producing for RTVE. This is a fantastic show that fits wonderfully with Mediacrest’s philosophy and one that Spanish audiences are sure to love."
Distributed by Lineup Industries, TVE’s new show has a family-friendly format, which, in the area of entertainment, links perfectly with the content production vision of the public broadcaster led by José Manuel Pérez Tornero. This show from Japan’s state-owned TV station offers the format and content renovation RTVE’s president envisioned when he started out in the job.
TVE and Mediacrest collaborate once again in a quality format following the success of El Cazador, which in March reached its record 8.9% audience share and then beat its own record with a 10.6% audience share on 6 April.
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